Model Town Club
Become a Member
Say yes to an elevated lifestyle by becoming a member of the prestigious Model Town Club. By joining Model Town Club, you sign up for a lifetime membership that guarantees access to world-class amenities, a collaborative & diverse community, exciting activities for the family and a place to just immerse yourself.
Find out More
We are here to answer your questions and ease your membership
process. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for in the
FAQs below, get in touch with us at info@themodeltownclub.com
or +92 309 888 2185
Currently, we are taking membership requests online through this link. You can also email us at info@model-town-club23.azurewebsites.net for any queries that you may have
As a Model Town Club member, you will have access to our dining facilities, sports grounds, spa, swimming pools, squash court, tennis court, yoga room, steam room and sauna as well as other amenities. You will also have access to reciprocal clubs nationally.
Yes, non residents can apply to be members. Membership fee for non-residents may vary.